A Tiger is coming! Join us for the launch of this hotly anticipated book, just 10 days before a Cambodian election
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Jewel Topsfield (The Age)
Formerly the Indonesia correspondent of The Age and Sydney Morning Herald and in 2016 she won the prestigious Lowy Institute Media Award, which recognises journalists who have deepened and enriched the discussion of global issues in Australia. She led the team that won a Walkley Award for its reportage on claims Australian officials paid people smugglers to return a boat of asylum seekers to Indonesia which led to a Senate Inquiry.
Gordon Conochie (author)
An adjunct research fellow at La Trobe University and a former journalist. Born in Scotland, he has masters’ degrees in politics and international relations. In Cambodia, he worked on education policy with the Ministry of Education, UNICEF and the World Bank and now works in Aboriginal health policy in Australia.
Gareth Evans AC KC (former Australian Foreign Minister)
A Cabinet minister throughout the Hawke–Keating governments, including as foreign minister from 1988 to 1996. In his 21-year parliamentary career, he served as both leader of the government in the Senate and deputy leader of the Opposition. After leaving politics, he was president of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group and chancellor of the Australian National University. He has received a number of national and international awards, including the Roosevelt Institute Freedom from Fear prize for his pioneering work on mass atrocity crimes, conflict prevention and resolution, and arms control and disarmament.
Dr Thida Keang (Cambodian researcher)
A Melbourne-based researcher working for the social research and consultancy firm Ipsos and a research consultant to various projects in Cambodia. His vast experiences abroad include having worked for UNESCO Phnom Penh (Cambodia), where he was involved in a number of education projects including the formulation of national teacher policy, higher education and technical & vocational education policy. He has also worked in Myanmar and Thailand with the SEAMEO Secretariat (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organisation)
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